Green School Flag for Ballinspittle - 2018/2019
We received a green flag for litter and waste- the first theme of the Green-Schools programme.
Green School Flag Presentation
Ballinspittle National School was recently awarded their first Green Flag.
Congratulations to Mrs O'Donovan & the Green Schools Commitee for a job well done. Mrs O' Donovan & Mr Gunning received the Green Flag on Wednesday the 2nd of May 2018 with two representatives from the Ballinspittle N.S. Green Schools Commitee Alannah Harrington & Martin Hickey.
Congratulations to all the school students and staff who supported this initative.
Congratulations to Mrs O'Donovan & the Green Schools Commitee for a job well done. Mrs O' Donovan & Mr Gunning received the Green Flag on Wednesday the 2nd of May 2018 with two representatives from the Ballinspittle N.S. Green Schools Commitee Alannah Harrington & Martin Hickey.
Congratulations to all the school students and staff who supported this initative.

Green School's Competition
The children entered a Green Schools Poster Competition. They drew pictures to show how they would like Ireland to look in 2040. We are very proud of their work.